The One Thing That Will Help You Most

Let me ask you something a little bit personal.

If you and I could sit down together and talk, what is the one thing you’d want me to show you that will help you the most?

The one thing that, when you learned to do it well, would make you proudest of the artwork you created.

Think about it. What is the one thing that is slowing you down from becoming the best artist you can be right now?

Let’s face it. In art we all run into something we struggle with.

Over the years I’ve run into any number of things.

For you, that one thing might be something as fundamental as learning how to mix more interesting colors.

Or it might be something like learning how to draw your subject more easily.

Or how to add compliment-inspiring excitement to your work.

Or how to add more imagination to your art.

Whatever that one thing is for you…

Imagine how it would feel to conquer that one thing for good.

Imagine what it would feel like to finally believe, “Now I really am an artist.”

I want you to experience that feeling.

I want to create a program that will do just that.

But, I need your help to do it.

In a super-short survey I created, I need you to answer one important question.

“What is the one thing that will help you the most right now?”

To tell me, just click the link below.

Click Here to answer this one-question, anonymous survey.

Because, the one or two minutes you spend right now could in the end chop years off your learning curve.

And, if you have friends who are also struggling with something right now, please share this survey with them.

Click Here to answer this one-question, anonymous survey.

“What is the one thing that I could show you that will help you the most?”

Click Here to answer this one-question, anonymous survey.

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